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Illinois LAtino Council on Higher Education

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  • 10/13/2015 5:38 PM | Sandy López (Administrator)

    ILACHE Leadership Award



    Nomination Deadline - Friday, November 20, 2016 at 5:00 p.m.


    The ILACHE Board of Directors invites nominations from our membership for our 2016 ILACHE Leadership Awards.  

    Each winning nominee and a guest will receive a complimentary ILACHE Conference registration and must be present to accept the award on Friday, April 29, 2016 at the 24th Annual ILACHE Conference to be held at Northern Illinois University.

    Eligibility:  Who can be nominated?

    A Latina/o who has made significant contributions to the Latino higher education community through service and leadership. 

    Award Categories

    Lifetime Achievement Award - Honors a leader whose lifetime body of work and commitment serves as a model for other educators. This award is reserved for a person whose contributions to Latinos in higher education are inspiring and whose trajectory we want others to emulate.

    Leadership Award - Acknowledges important contributions that improve access and equity for Latinos in higher education. The award was created in 2001 to recognize an individual who has demonstrated years of exemplary service, commitment and leadership to Latinos in Higher Education in the state of Illinois.    

    Emerging Leader Award - Recognizes the contributions of a student leader. This award category was created in 2011.

    Nomination Process

    The completed nomination packet consists of a "Nomination Form" and an "Essay" demonstrating the persons’ achievement(s). The essay must include the individuals’ contribution(s) to the Latino community, involvement above and beyond their work contributions.

    Nomination Due Date

    The Nomination Form and Nomination Statement must be completed and submitted no later than 5 PM on  Friday, November 20, 2016.

    Please note:  Incomplete and late nomination entries will not be considered. 

  • 10/08/2015 5:00 PM | Sandy López (Administrator)

    Diversity Scholarship Foundation (DSF) Scholarship

    DSF 2015 Scholarship App.pdf

    All applications must be received by 5:00 p.m. on November 1, 2015 

    All application materials must be submitted in PDF format by email to dsfchicago@gmail.com

    Individuals who have previously received a scholarship from DSF may not be eligible 

    For questions please contact dsfchicago@gmail.com 

    Individuals who receive scholarships must be able to attend the 2015 Unity Award Dinner on December 1, 2015, from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
    Failure to attend through award presentation at the conclusion of the program may result in forfeiture of the scholarship

  • 10/06/2015 12:00 PM | Sandy López (Administrator)

    The immigrants who have recently come to the United States are the most highly educated in history. A new Pew Research Center analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data shows that 41% of immigrants arriving here in the past five years had completed at least a bachelor’s degree. By comparison, only 20% of newly arrived immigrants in 1970 were similarly educated.

    Click the link below to read more:

  • 10/02/2015 12:30 PM | Sandy López (Administrator)

    There’s no formula to guarantee admission. Having the grades and scores is necessary to be competitive, one counselor says. "But it’s not sufficient."

    Click the link below to read more:

  • 02/27/2015 12:42 PM | Sandy López (Administrator)

    The ILACHE Board of Directors invites nominations from our membership for our 2015 ILACHE Leadership Awards. All the nominations will be reviewed by the conference committee and presented to the ILACHE Board for approval.

    Each winning nominee and a guest will receive a complimentary ILACHE Conference registration and must be present to accept the award at the 23rd Annual ILACHE Conference.

    Eligibility:  Who can be nominated?

    A Latina/o who has made significant contributions to the Latino higher education community through service and leadership. 

    Award Categories

    Lifetime Achievement Award Honors a leader whose lifetime body of work and commitment serves as a model for other educators. This award is reserved for a person whose contributions to Latinos in higher education are inspiring and whose trajectory we want others to emulate.

    Leadership Award Acknowledges important contributions that improve access and equity for Latinos in higher education. The award was created in 2001 to recognize an individual who has demonstrated years of exemplary service, commitment and leadership to Latinos in Higher Education in the state of Illinois.    

    Emerging Leader Award Recognizes the contributions of a student leader. This award category was created in 2011.

    Nomination Process

    The completed nomination packet consists of a "Nomination Form" and an "Essay" demonstrating the persons’ achievement(s). The essay must include the individuals’ contribution(s) to the Latino community, involvement above and beyond their work contributions.

    Nomination Due Date

    The Nomination Form and Nomination Statement must be completed and submitted no later than 5 PM on Friday, March 6, 2015.


  • 02/18/2015 3:50 PM | Sandy López (Administrator)

    DREAM Scholarship Application Deadline - February 27, 2015 at 11:59 pm

    The Anhelo Project is a non- for-profit organization that consists of a group of student leaders and professionals from various educational institutions and community based organizations in Chicago. Our goal is to support undocumented students, who despite growing up in the United States and earning a high school diploma, continuously face challenging road blocks when pursuing a post-secondary education. The biggest obstacle is financial need due to their ineligibility to apply for federal and state financial aid.

    The Anhelo Project will award the Dream Scholarship to deserving undergraduate students who demonstrate leadership, academic competitiveness, community involvement, and financial need. 

  • 02/09/2015 11:03 AM | Sandy López (Administrator)
    The Illinois Latino Council on Higher Education (ILACHE) is pleased to offer two $1000 scholarships to Latino/a students in Illinois who exhibit outstanding commitment to learning, community service, and leadership. ILACHE is an action oriented, independent advocacy group for Latinos in higher education in the areas of access and equity as it relates to employment, college admission, and legislation in the State of Illinois.

  • 01/08/2015 12:12 PM | Sandy López (Administrator)
    For those of you from underrepresented groups who would like to work in higher education, especially as a faculty member including at a community college, look at the DFI page (Diversifying Faculty in Illinois). The fellowship offers anywhere from $10,000 or more for those studying for an MA or doctoral degree. It is valid at most higher education institutions that grant a graduate degree. Some of those also include tuition waivers. Don't let this opportunity pass you by!


  • 12/12/2012 6:35 PM | Monica Teixeira

    Dear ILACHE members,



    The election is over, and there are some encouraging signs for issues important to our constituents. It is clear from all analyses that the Latino vote played a crucial role in securing the re-election of President Barack Obama. This was a result not only of the votes Latinos cast in favor of Obama but of the decline of votes denied Romney that Latinos traditionally cast for the Republican Party.

    This new reality of Latino weight in the election has important consequences. Even before the election we saw the implementation of the Deferred Action Plan, and now there are serious talks about passing the Dream Act and comprehensive immigration reform. Washington is listening because it now knows that our voices are backed with real power in the form of votes.

    But 2012 was also a difficult year. The financial crisis continues and talks of a fiscal cliff could severely impact Pell grants, Title V and other forms of federal funding for Latinos in higher education. Twenty-twelve was the year when affirmative action policies once again took center stage in political discussions. So we must continue to be active and make sure that our voice is heard. We are in a better position than before, but there is much to do.

    At a local level, the state of Illinois’ fiscal crisis is not easing. In terms of higher education funding, the most immediate priority is the MAP award. Every year more people apply than receive it, and the cut-off date is earlier and earlier. I encourage all of you to develop a strong campaign at your institutions and in your communities to assure that all college bound individuals complete the FAFSA for the year 2013-14 by March thereby assuring that all Latinos who require MAP support can receive it.

    We hope that 2013 will be a better year for Latinos in higher education. We look forward to seeing you at the ILACHE conference on April 19, 2013 at Roosevelt University.

    Andrew Sund
  • 12/11/2012 8:17 PM | Monica Teixeira


    The failure to amend the Illinois Constitution that politicians quietly placed on the November 2012 ballot as an end around pension obligations prompted Governor Pat Quinn to initiate an education program to convince the people of Illinois of the need for reform. The underlying tone of the Internet campaign, “Thanks in Advance,” resembles recent attempts to blame striking Chicago Public School teachers for missed school days. “Thanks in Advance” is another chapter in the war against pensions that suggests that government workers are jeopardizing the futures of Illinois children. Using an emotionally charged strategy of divide and conquer, the “reform” campaign sets private against public employees; community agencies and grass roots staff against public workers and union members, and the young against the aging.

    Pension reform as framed by various “civic committees” suggests the need to correct abuses stemming from the past sins of overly indulgent public officials. These committees, primarily populated by business representatives and the local elite, project themselves through their media allies as disinterested parties save for their desire to secure financially stable, good government. Yet seeping through the typically thick filters of public relations are hidden intentions: tax benefits for business, government incentive programs, and lucrative contracts that depend on finance policy and the necessity to minimize other state costs. Ironically, it is some of the beneficiaries of subsidies, bailouts, and TIFs who point the finger at the middle class for the budget problems of the state.

    Pension abuses exist. The collection of multiple retirement packages by politicians and judges (e.g., state, county, city, etc.) often with minimal time invested is a common practice. High-ranking school administrators have been known to “retire,” move across state lines and manoeuver to collect additional pensions. Rehiring the “retired” at lucrative salaries is one way colleges reward loyalists. These are, for the most part, the prerogatives of the privileged, not the ordinary worker. Still, the manipulation of the system is used to vilify-- sometimes by those guilty of the worst abuses-- all public employees whose average benefit in the case of at least one major pension system (SURS) is approximately $30,000.

    Often missing from the discussion are the many years of irresponsible state borrowing from pension systems that it has yet to pay back; the carrot dangled in front of employees of a decent pension and health benefits to compensate for years of low or no salary increases while employees with the same or less credentials in the private sector received better remuneration. Conveniently absent from pension talk is the fact that state workers agreed to increase their contributions in order to secure an annual cost of living increase (COLA), which is now being bandied about as the symbol of state largesse, its so-called Cadillac programs.

    This Illinois campaign is nothing more than the local version of the national Republican agenda that seeks to pick the pockets of the middle class and have it pay for the past abuses of the wealthy and well-connected, many of whom fed at the public trough over the years and now sing in the holy choir of the self-righteous. We must launch our own campaign using all the social media at our disposal to counteract the latest attempts at the Foxification of reality. Inform your friends and neighbors. Use every tool at your disposal to let them know who really mortgaged the future of their children and on whose backs the responsibility should be placed.

    Leonard Ramirez is an ILACHE board member and freelance writer.


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